Choosing You


The 6 month private Coaching journey.

Together, you will journey through Chelsea's 3-phase coaching method, The Transformation Trinity.

Phase 1: Past
Your relationship with the Self

In this phase, you transform your inner dialogue, transmute self-judgment into compassion, and ultimately develop an unwavering love for Self.

Modalities include story shifting, emotional regulation, Inner Child and parts work, reparenting, nervous system rewiring and more.

Phase 2: Present
Your relationship with the Process

In this phase, you create habits that support your day-to-day productivity, flow and peace. You learn to trust your Intuition and let Spirit take the lead.

Modalities include the surrender formula, perspective shifting, habit formation, intuitive decision making and more.

Phase 3: Future
Your relationship with the Desire

In this phase, you cultivate clarity and certainty in Self, develop a strong relationship to confidence, and ultimately take aligned action to bring your dreams to fruition.

Modalities include victim shifting, Higher Self alignment, desired outcome clarity, accountability systems and more.

Chelsea is a Certified Life Coach, ICF accredited. Click below to inquire and schedule a free discovery call.

“You know when something big happens in your life and it forever separates things into ‘before’ and ‘after’ that event? Yes, THAT is what it has been like for me working with Chelsea.”
— Ashlena. (West Texas, TX)
Thank god I met Chelsea, because from our very first call, an energetic shift happened that would change my life. She told me that three months from now I would have a confidence and trust in myself that would create lifelong shifts in my life, which at the time was hard to imagine, but like a true magic worker, she was right.
— Tiare. (Hanalei, HI)
Working with Chelsea is by far the best investment I have ever made for myself and my mental health. I still cannot put into words the positive impact she has had on my life in such a short period of time.
— Kelly B. (San Diego, CA)
From day one, at our introductory session, I felt comfortable telling Chelsea things that I had kept inside for a very long time. Over the last couple months, I have seen myself grow in so many different ways - confidence in myself, compassion for myself and just the freedom to love myself more than I ever have.
— Rhea R. (Chicago, IL)
I have been working with Chelsea for the past year and if I could describe the experience in one word: transformative. I’ve worked through deeply ingrained thoughts of worthlessness, not being “good enough,” and paralyzing concerns of failure.
— Chelsea T. (Scottsdale, AZ)